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Now also including a Malta Panorama Google Maps location !
I hope you have fun browsing. If you like my work, please leave a comment !
Qui-Si-Sana Playground (Ref: 110081)
The recently build playground in Qui-Si-Sana in Sliema.
Maltese Skyline at Sunset (Ref: 110079)
This picture shows a lovely panoramic view of the Maltese skyline shortly before...
Mosta Parish Church (Ref: 110077)
A rear view of Mosta’s parish church, also showing the public playground...
Maltese Girna in Mensija Valley (Ref: 110075)
A typical Maltese ‘Girna’ with a dome-shaped roof in Mensija Valley....
Manikata Church (Ref: pfm110073)
This view of Manikata parish church taken shortly before sunset displays...