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Now also including a Malta Panorama Google Maps location !
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Village Alleys At Tarxien (Ref: pfm110111)
A view of decorated alleys during a spectacle based on folklore and traditional...
Village Festivities At Tarxien (Ref: pfm110110)
Typical village decorations during festivities in Tarxien.
Crystal Clear Waters Of Wied Iz-Zurrieq (Ref: pfm110108)
Boats, slipway and bathers make up this typical summer scene at the crystal clear...
View of Wied Babu in Zurrieq (Ref: pfm110106)
A view of the typical Maltese rocky cliffs overlooking the valley ‘Wied...
Boats At Wied Iz-Zurrieq (Ref: pfm110104)
The colourful boats at Wied Iz-Zurrieq ramp, the area known as Wied...